Understanding Your Mental Health: 11 Signs It’s Time to See a Therapist

11 Signs It's Time to See a Therapist
11 Signs It's Time to See a Therapist

When is It Time to See a Therapist?

Something has been bothering you for quite some time now. You’re finding it hard to sleep, focus at work, and enjoy the things you previously found pleasurable. You’re thinking you need to talk to someone, but you’re worried about others not taking your feelings seriously. You also are concerned about what people will think of you after you tell them about your problems.

In cases where you feel like you have no one to talk to, seeing a therapist via Calmerry can help. Deciding if you’re ready for it may take some consideration, as you might prefer to wait and see if changing your lifestyle or taking better care of yourself can improve your situation. Taking the leap to do so, however, can be very healing and allow you to make positive life changes.

When Should You Consider Seeing a Therapist?

As per the American Psychological Association, seeking professional help may be necessary if you are dealing with distressing issues that significantly impact various aspects of your life. This is particularly true when:

  • You spend hours, or a considerable amount of time, thinking about your problems.
  • Your issues are causing embarrassment and making you want to hide from others.
  • Your issues have reduced your quality of life.
  • Your problems have been negatively affecting your work, school, or relationship.
  • You’ve changed or rearranged your lifestyle to cope with the problem.

Potential Signs It’s Time for Therapy

Going to therapy can help you navigate what you are feeling while also providing you with tools to manage or deal with it in healthy ways. Here are 11 possible signs it is time for therapy:

1. You’re Feeling Overwhelmed

Having too much on your plate can affect both your physical and mental health. If increased stress has been making it hard for you to concentrate to the point that it’s affecting your daily life, seeing a therapist can help. They can help you manage whatever it is you’re feeling, as well as find the root cause of your problems.

2. You’re Sleeping or Eating More or Less Than Normal

Suddenly starting to eat or sleep more or less than usual could be a sign of something else. Sleep disorders, for instance, are common in those dealing with anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder. Severe changes in eating habits, meanwhile, can turn into eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, or binge eating disorders.  CBT is found to be beneficial in treating chronic insomnia, emotional eating, and related mental health issues.

3. You’re Losing Hope or Motivation

While it isn’t uncommon to feel hopeless or unmotivated after a difficult time, it shouldn’t persist or linger. If you’re losing hope or feel things are never going to get better, it is time to seek help. Hopelessness may also be a symptom of depression and a risk factor for suicidal ideation and behavior, according to this 2022 systematic review.

4. You Avoid or Withdraw From Social Situations

We all need alone time to destress and recharge. If you, on the other hand, feel scared or distressed around other people, you may be dealing with something more than just wanting solitude. This is especially true if you isolate yourself or go to great lengths to avoid social interactions. Therapy can help you understand why you feel this way and find ways to cope.

5. You’re Finding It Hard to Control Your Emotions

When your emotions take over or interfere with your everyday life, therapy can help you gain control of them. Difficulty controlling emotions, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is a major symptom of mood or anxiety disorders. It is also associated with other conditions such as alcohol use disorder, antisocial personality disorder, and Asperger’s syndrome.

6. Your Anxious or Intrusive Thoughts Consume You

Worrying from time to time is normal, but when it comes to a point where it consumes you or disrupts your daily functioning, it’s time to get help. Intrusive thoughts can also occur in people with OCD, PTSD, and other mental health conditions. Therapy can help you challenge and manage destructive thoughts, so you can feel more control in your life.

7. You Stop Caring About Things Anymore

This is also referred to as apathy, which refers to the lack or loss of interest in life activities, social interaction, or life in general. Failing to care about almost anything or not having the energy to do simple things can be a sign of depression, anxiety, or other mental health issues. Therapy can help uncover the cause of your apathy and help you make changes.

8. You’re Using Substances to Cope

If you’re turning to substances (drugs or alcohol) as the only way to cope or improve your mood, seeking help is worth considering. This is especially true if you’re overusing them or feel like you cannot deal with yourself without them. Overuse of other things to cope, such as social media, gambling, and pornography, can also be helped with therapy.

9. Your Friends and Loved Ones Are Concerned About You

When trusted loved ones express concerns about your mental health, don’t be too quick in dismissing their concerns. Do take note that the people who care about you can sometimes notice a change in the way you act and think, which you might be oblivious to. If they suggested that you seek professional help, it may be the time to see a therapist.

10. You Experienced a Trauma

Anything traumatic, such as accidents, death, assault, bullying, and others, can negatively affect how you deal with daily life. Such events may also trigger post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), with physical and emotional symptoms including flashbacks, nightmares, intrusive thoughts, and distressing images or sensations. CBT is said to be effective in treating acute and chronic PTSD in adults and children. CBT is also found to be an acceptable treatment option for PTSD, according to research.

11. Your Relationship is Struggling

Negative social interactions and relationships, especially between partners, can increase the risk of anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts, according to studies. Online therapy can teach you skills in navigating relationships and setting boundaries, as well as improving your communication skills. Family and couple counseling can also address conflicts, help you get to the root of your problems, and strengthen your bond with one another.

How Can Therapy Help You Lead a Healthier, Happier Life

One of the main advantages of therapy is that it helps you learn more about yourself and teaches you ways to cope with difficult emotions or situations. It is not just for those diagnosed with a mental health disorder, as anyone who has been going through a stressful life event can benefit from having a listening ear and professional guidance. Therapy can help you:

  • Learn more about yourself
  • Get through distressing or life-changing events (such as loss, moving, the birth of a new child)
  • Set realistic life goals and achieve them
  • Learn healthy coping skills
  • Address or manage symptoms of a mental health condition like anxiety or depression
  • Navigate different types of relationships (family, spouse, friends, and coworkers).
  • Improve different areas of your life

Managing Mental Health With Online Therapy

With online therapy, getting mental health assistance is now more accessible and affordable. There is no need to travel or commute, as well as wait outside a therapist’s office. You can have your sessions at home or anywhere you feel comfortable, and you can start your journey toward healing. Below are the reasons to consider online therapy:

  • Individual therapist matching
  • Mental health support and guidance from licensed and vetted therapists
  • Plans for every budget
  • Free therapist switching
  • A tailored treatment plan
  • Security guaranteed (HIPAA-compliant platform)
  • 24/7 human-operated support

Life challenges, especially those that are negatively affecting your physical and mental health, can prevent you from living the life you want. Professional therapy can offer support and guidance, so you can navigate life better and create more happiness in your life.