Unlocking Inner Confidence: 6 Steps to Overcome Self-Doubt

6 Steps to Overcome Self Doubt and Find Your Inner Confidence 800x450 1

Self doubt is one of the most common, and harmful, negative thoughts that we can experience. When we are faced with a challenge or an opportunity where we need to make a decision, self doubt creeps in without us even knowing it. Self doubt causes us to question our abilities, talents, and even our appearance. Self doubt makes you feel like you aren’t good enough; like you won’t measure up to others; like you will fail. Self-doubt also stops us from trying new things, advancing in our careers, starting businesses, taking risks and so much more. If left uncontrolled, it can even lead to depression and anxiety. Fortunately there are ways that anyone can overcome self-doubt and find their inner confidence again.

Recognize the Signs of Self Doubt and Acknowledge Them

If you are experiencing self-doubt, the first step is to recognize that you are experiencing it. The signs of self-doubt include feelings of inadequacy, fear, feeling unworthy, and needing constant approval from others. If you catch yourself feeling these emotions and thoughts, stop and ask yourself why you are feeling that way. Try to trace back to when you started feeling that way and what happened to trigger those feelings. Self-doubt often occurs when we are faced with a decision, like what course of study to choose at university, what career to pursue, or whom to date. Self-doubt can also creep in when we are faced with a challenge, such as asking a girl out on a date, speaking in public, or applying for a new job.

Learn to Identify the Factors That Cause Your Self Doubt

To overcome self doubt, you first have to identify what triggers it in the first place. If you can recognize what triggers your self-doubt, you can take steps to prepare yourself and try to avoid them when you can. The best way to do this is to keep a journal where you write down your thoughts, feelings, and circumstances when you feel the most self-doubt. You can then use the journal to look back and identify what situations or thoughts triggered your self-doubt. For example, let’s say you notice that you feel extremely self doubt whenever you have to speak in public. You might notice that you feel this way whenever you have to speak to your classmates in class, or when you have to make a presentation at work. You can use your journal to look back and try to identify what factors contributed to you feeling this way.

Be Proud of Who You Are, Regardless of Your Current Circumstances

Sometimes, even though you know that you are worthy of the best, you just can’t seem to believe it. Taking the time to think about your positive attributes, and what you are proud of, is a great way to boost your self-confidence and start overcoming self-doubt. You can also take time each day to journal about your proudest attributes; what you think makes you a great person. These journal entries can then be re-read whenever you are struggling with self-doubt. If you have a hard time thinking of things that you are proud of, you can also look back on your past accomplishments and consider what made you proud when you achieved them.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help When You Need It

It is common for people who are experiencing self-doubt to try and try until they have exhausted every option. This isn’t always the best approach. Sometimes the best thing you can do is accept that you need help from others, and then ask for it when you need it. There is nothing wrong with admitting that you need help, especially if you are struggling with self-doubt. You don’t have to be a superman or superwoman who can do it all on their own. And if you try to do everything on your own when you really need help, you are only going to worsen your self-doubt and feelings of inadequacy.

Use Affirmations to Build Up Your Self-confidence Agai.

An affirmation is a statement that you make in your head or out loud that affirms a positive characteristic about yourself. Positive affirmations are especially useful for people who are experiencing self-doubt because with each positive affirmation that you make, you are actively trying to boost your self-confidence. In fact, research has shown that affirmations can be even more effective than cognitive behavioral therapy for treating anxiety and self-doubt. There are two main types of affirmations: positive and negative. Positive affirmations are statements that you make about yourself that are positive and constructive. Negative affirmations are statements that you make about yourself that are negative and destructive. You want to be sure to make positive affirmations; ones that build up your self-confidence.

Commit to Small Actions to Rebuild Your Confidence and Self-esteem

Sometimes the best way to overcome self doubt is to commit to small actions that build up your self-confidence again. If you have a fear of public speaking, you could sign up for a public speaking course at your local community. If you are worried that you aren’t making enough money, you could sign up for an online course on how to make money online. Whatever your self-doubt is, there are always small actions that you can take to start rebuilding your confidence again. You can also do things to actively remind yourself of your positive attributes when you feel like self doubt is creeping in again. Wear a bracelet or necklace that reminds you of your strengths and good qualities.


Self-doubt can stop you from trying new things, advancing in your career, starting a business, and taking risks. But it is possible to overcome self doubt and find your inner confidence again. The best way to do this is to recognize the signs of self doubt, identify the triggers that cause it, be proud of who you are regardless of your current circumstances, don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it, use affirmations to build up your self-confidence again, and commit to small actions to rebuild your confidence and self-esteem.