How to Begin Your Spiritual Journey: A Beginner’s Guide

A Beginner’s Guide to Start Your Spiritual Journey
A Beginner’s Guide to Start Your Spiritual Journey

It can be hard to know where to start when it comes to spirituality. Perhaps you have been guided towards discovering more or feel curious about how spirituality could help your life. 

Lots of people wonder how to get into spirituality, so our guide to spirituality for beginners will answer some of the questions you have and help you navigate your own spiritual growth. Read on to learn more about the spiritual journey and how you can get started on yours. 

What is a Spiritual Journey?

Each of us has a spiritual aspect within, which, at some point, will begin to awaken. The spiritual path calls us to tune into that voice within and allow it to guide us. How this looks will be different for everyone. You may connect with the divine during a walk in nature, while meditating or sitting quietly, or when you notice synchronicities. There are many different approaches you can use for unlocking spirituality within you. 

The journey you may face and the questions you have can feel challenging. Life can suddenly feel very different, so working with a professional, such as a spiritual coach, will give you the best support and guidance while you are exploring spirituality. They will hold space for your expansion, help you access a higher power, and help you develop more awareness. 

A good coach will be able to hold a higher perspective, helping you to get clearer on who you are, and identifying things that may have been out of your awareness. 

How Does a Spiritual Awakening Change Your Life?

A spiritual awakening is often the first step on the spiritual path. There are many ways to know if you are going through a spiritual awakening. It may feel like you are waking up in your own life, or be a time where you feel completely lost. 

Going through a spiritual awakening will likely change the way you think about many areas of life. The Practical Spirituality podcast goes into more detail on how a spiritual awakening may look for you, but here are some of the things you may experience:

  • A deeper connection with yourself
  • A better relationship with others
  • A desire to let go of material items, or things that are weighing you down
  • More awareness of the world around you
  • A stronger idea of your own values and morals
  • A spiritual emergency or dark night of the soul 
  • A sense of detachment from the material world
  • Stronger beliefs about what the afterlife might bring
A Beginner’s Guide to Start Your Spiritual Journey
A Beginner’s Guide to Start Your Spiritual Journey

Things to Know Before You Begin Your Spiritual Journey

When it comes to how to become spiritual, it is a very personal journey, but one that will be undoubtedly easier if you can approach it with an open mind. You may come across differing perspectives, which are important to be respectful of. 

You must also make up your own mind using your own wisdom, and by connecting with your heart. Practicing mindfulness will help you to feel connected to the present moment, which is an important aspect of the journey to becoming a spiritual person. You can read more about mindfulness and its benefits here. 

Allow your curiosity to lead the way, and trust that the answers will be found when you are ready. 

How to Start a Spiritual Journey

Beginning your spiritual journey may feel exciting and equally daunting. Take your time with tuning into what feels right for you; there is no set path or format. The following spiritual practices will help to guide you on your way:

  • Meditation – This is a wonderful tool for raising our awareness and getting to know ourselves on a deeper level. You may find reading these tips on how to meditate useful before beginning a meditation practice. 
  • Journal – Writing is a great form of expression and an effective way to process emotions. You could also try keeping a gratitude journal, which allows the mind to get into the habit of focusing on the positive aspects of your life. 
  • Healing – The whole process of awakening to spirituality will be a catalyst for your own healing. You may feel drawn to trying different therapies, or forms of healing, to support yourself along the way. 
  • Read books – There are so many spiritual books which can provide you with insight, inspiration or even guidance. Eckhart Tolle’s The Power Of Now: A Guide To Spiritual Enlightenment is one of the best-regarded books on spirituality for beginners. 
  • Unlock your creativity – This aspect of ourselves is important when we are visioning something new. Spending time moving your body, asking questions, or trying something new are all effective ways to get your creative energy flowing. 
  • Practice spirituality daily – Make your spiritual journey a part of your daily life. 

Key Takeaway

As you embark on the most exciting journey of your life, allow your mind to stay open to whatever life may present to you. The path ahead may not always feel smooth, but know that its teachings will always bring you closer to rediscovering the truest version of you. 

Author Bio

Gareth Michael Spiritual Coach is a spiritual advisor, teacher, channel of Michael, and author of the best-selling book Ever-changing Perspectives. He provides tangible, practical spiritual support stemming from his own life lessons and Michael’s profound wisdom and teachings. His personalized guidance helps people heal, find their spiritual direction, and understand their purpose. He also provides additional teachings through his spiritual podcast.