The Power of Now: 6 Steps to Stop Worrying and Live in the Present

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Everyone has worries and fears. They are universal human emotions that we all experience on some level. When you feel anxious or begin worrying about the future, it’s easy to get stuck in a negative mindset. However, there is a way to come back to the present moment and reduce your stress levels by thinking about now instead of tomorrow. The practice of being mindful – also known as living in the moment – can help you do just that. Its the philosophy that originates from ancient texts, and other Eastern practices, being mindful means focusing on the present instead of worrying about the past or fearing what might happen in the future. It’s an ongoing process, but these six steps can help you be more aware of your surroundings so that you’re able to enjoy the now instead of worrying about what might happen later on.

Be Aware of What You’re Feeling in the Moment

When you’re feeling anxious, it’s common to want to change your emotional state as soon as possible. However, attempting to rid yourself of these negative feelings right away can actually make it harder to let them go. Instead of trying to ignore or stuff down your feelings, being mindful means paying attention to what you’re feeling in the moment. When you start to feel anxious, notice what sensations you’re experiencing in your body, such as a racing heart or tingling hands. In addition to sensory experiences, you should also look at the thoughts that are going through your head. When you’re feeling worried about the future, there’s a good chance that what you’re thinking about is how you’ll be able to solve your problems. By shifting your attention to your thoughts, you can take control of your emotions by noticing what’s going on in your head.

Don’t Judge or Label Your Emotions as Good or Bad

Another common mistake that people make is judging themselves or their emotions as either good or bad. You might think that your emotions – such as fear, sadness or anger – are bad, but they can actually help you live a fulfilling life. These emotions have a purpose and can actually spur you into taking action. However, if you try to ignore your feelings or stuff them down, they’re less likely to help you. In fact, not being aware of what you’re feeling can actually cause you to act impulsively or put yourself in a situation that you’ll regret. Being mindful means accepting your emotions as they are. By being aware of your thoughts and emotions, you can learn to respond to them with kindness instead of judgment.

Notice What You See and Hear Around You

When you’re feeling stressed out or anxious, it’s easy to get stuck in your own head. It’s important to break out of this cycle in order to bring yourself back to the present moment. One way to break the cycle is to focus on what you see and hear around you. As you walk outside or sit in your home, notice the colours and shapes of different objects. Look for shapes such as triangles or circles. You can also try to notice the different sounds around you, such as birds chirping or cars driving by. When you’re focused on what you see and hear, it’s easier to let go of your fears and worries. It’s almost like taking an “outside-in” approach to dealing with your emotions. Instead of focusing on your thoughts and feelings, you’re taking an “outside-in” approach that focuses on your surroundings.

Focus on an Anchor

Anchors are helpful for bringing you back to the present. Some examples of anchors include a certain scent, a mantra or a feeling in your body. For example, you can use the scent of a candle or essential oil to bring yourself back to the moment. You can also use a mantra, such as “I am strong” or “I am enough,” to help calm your mind when it’s racing. You can even use a sensation, like feeling the soles of your feet or your hands, to bring yourself out of your head. When you notice yourself getting stuck in your thoughts, you can use one of these anchors to bring yourself back to the present moment.

Commit to the Practice of Mindfulness

If you want to be more mindful, you have to make it a priority. Although being mindful can be a helpful strategy for managing your emotions, it’s not something that happens overnight. It’s something that requires a lot of self-reflection and commitment. Remember, it’s a process, not a quick fix and, like with most things, it takes practice to get better. If you want to be more mindful, commit to practicing these six steps every day.

Discover What You Want

Worries and fears are future-focused emotions, so they can make you feel anxious and stressed. By being mindful, you can bring your attention back to the present moment and reduce your stress levels. However, you can’t achieve this unless you first discover what you want. When you’re in the moment, you have an opportunity to reflect on your life and be mindful of what you want. You have an opportunity to make a difference in your life and the lives of others. When you’re worrying about the future, you lose this opportunity to make a positive impact on your life. When you’re mindful, you have a chance to discover what you want. It may be a career change, a new relationship or a change in your living situation. Whatever you want, being mindful is the first step to achieving it.


Worries and fears are universal human emotions that we all experience on some level. When you feel anxious or begin worrying about the future, it’s easy to get stuck in a negative mindset. However, there is a way to come back to the present moment and reduce your stress levels by thinking about now instead of tomorrow. The practice of being mindful – also known as living in the moment – can help you do just that. A philosophy that originates from ancient texts, meditation and other Eastern practices, being mindful means focusing on the present instead of worrying about the past or fearing what might happen in the future. It’s an ongoing process, but these five steps can help you be more aware of your surroundings so that you’re able to enjoy the now instead of worrying about what might happen later on.